since yesterday was a joke (creds to malin who took me for a walk haha) i decided to pull myself up by the bootstraps and get a job and a haircut.
and so i did-!
hepp hepp
well, i almost (as in
very soon) have the job and yeah, guess i just cut my bangs, tss haha - but i hate getting my hair cut!
i'm always excited to do it but then it turns out ugly anyways, and then i have to wear a muslim jihab for three weeks.
seriously, i wonder what the hairdressers actually think when they claim they're finished. i'll tell you what they're thinking!!!
and then
"i'll just pretend she looks great and make her pay before someone else notice that she looks like a FREAK" $$$
well, my hair is still recovering from a lost in translation-haircut in the US last fall. i hit jackpot and got a hairdresser who didn't speak english and almost cut my ear off in rage when i carefully explained to her, for the second time, that i didn't want to cut my bangs straight off.
i ended up having a persian rug on my forhead. ON MY BIRTHDAY. (24 september for the record)
then i cut my hair i canada and wore my toque for a month.
but it actually feels kinda good now! my poor comb-over is recovering. HA HA.
the award for cutest hair-do right now goes to....trumvirvel---- miss vister. oh yeah! check her out.
so midsummer! oh boy oh boy-
had an AWESOME weekend with std's coolest punks! tack!
food, people, music, partey - huur kul som helst.
köksbestyr! väärsta goda krubbet. teamwork där ja.

cheese! malin tyckte inte det va ett kodakmoment. nää nä-


uhlala- halvvägs in i flaggdekoreringen we went crazy....

men tårtan, som för övrigt smakade schjukt bra två dagar senare, har int fått nåra flaggor här. sad.

HA HA. lekte gjorde vi! e-hrm...bara gangsta-lekar, förstås.

såhäär kul var det!
miss birthday-girl and mr crazy std'are

sandra och viktor haha

gullan va änslig...

...för gin stal hans minnie mouse-termos. elakt.

mot CÖD! wehaa

gullan, sandra, malin och anna!

spöregn och vattenpölar, på väg hem. dom har bara en taxibil i strömstad.

ja, sen va vi litt bakfull och myste i std på lördag och sen hade the waldås brothers + hostess sandy grillparty! värsta kuul!
if you're gonna kill yourself do it wit style tssss! yeah

cool stranger

super mario bros'

sip sip

gin och kallerian - love moment

viktor och anna x2

per och hanna

boule e sköj


slatten (desperados haha)


that's it for now!
kul var det! får fiska fram litt mer bilder!
take it chill klotgrill