A. poop
B. something dead
C. mushrooms
haha. he is a nice dog though! oh..well, i'm still missing a shoe since way back.. JESSE!! haha. i made him sniff the other one last week, "search jesse search!", but he just looked at me as if i was stupid. i've been watching too much tv haha.
pretty nice weather. it's not raining anyways!

got the heidi-do goin' on! hahah

so, this was the deal. i brought the exact amount of money to buy a chai at starbucks, juust to tame myself for getting a huge brown bag full of tjocklad brownies haha.
of course, the dude there asks me if i wanna have a piece of orange-creme cheese cake fooor free. yeaaah yeah what the heck, just paaaaass it over. haha. it was really good though, jesse thought so too and almost ate my hand. haha.

summer is here

three days to go.
hejda for nu!
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